25 Mart 2018 Pazar

Al Bravo Tweeted: Still looking for your favorite oldies? Oldies Par...

Your Highlights
Al Bravo
Still looking for your favorite oldies? Oldies Party Saturday Night is in til midnight on sky7phoenix.com. sky7phoenix.com
Phx Indian Center
FAFSA Night, GONA Workshop, Scholarships and more... web-extract.constantcontact.com/v1/social_anno…
Jordan Gavaris
What I love most about this is that you haven't been on twitter in almost two weeks and this is what you choose to write first. It's like the literary equivalent of Kramer BURSTING into Jerry's apartment. You're just... you're just my favorite. twitter.com/IsJustKelly/st…
Los Bandidos
Absolutely well done, Woz twitter.com/cwoz1/status/9…
Yup, a qb that won 62% of his games as a starter. Won the ROY and went to the pro bowl twice despite being vilified by a coach that never wanted him & tried to ruin his career is the epitome of a BUST. More so than Manziel, Jamarcus Russell, Leaf, Tebow, Couch!! SMDH. Stop it!! twitter.com/ajc/status/977…
Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸
Flynn hired a white shoe lawyer, those guys are all part of deep state and will sell out a client in a second to preserve their friendships with liars like McCabe. twitter.com/maggienyt/stat…
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