3 Haziran 2019 Pazartesi

Mike Cernovich Tweeted: Gorilla Mindset Review: A Solid 9/10

Your Highlights
Mike Cernovich
Gorilla Mindset Review: A Solid 9/10
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Ann Coulter
RT @castalia_hesse: @HarmlessYardDog "as long as they come legally!"
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Carla Turco
20 mesmerizing photos of #architecture across the globe - National Geographic
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Jim Hoft
FTC Gets Jurisdiction for Facebook Antitrust Probe via @PamelaGeller
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Free Arizona
Arizona is Farming HEMP!!
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Candace Owens
Why are feminists silent about Craig Telfer— the MAN who was ranked 390th in the NCAA track and field division— and so simply decided he now identifies as a woman. Cece Telfer— still a MAN, is now ranked #1, having defeated hard-working, biological women.

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